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Fassbinderei Klaus Pauscha GmbH
Lagerstraße 2, A-9400 Wolfsberg / AUSTRIA



Information requirements according to ECG

Media owner and publisher:
Fassbinderei Klaus Pauscha GmbH

Lagerstraße 2
9400 Wolfsberg / AUSTRIA

T +43 43 52 / 30456
F +43 43 52 / 30456 20

UID number: ATU66477779

Legal status: single enterprise
Company Register Court: LG Klagenfurt
Company registration number: FN 364521 k
WKO Fachgruppe Tischler und Holzgestalter, membership number WKO 116500

Concept & Screen Design: Aufwind - Brand Design & Web

Code: BJB-media - Agentur für Digitale Medien

Fotocredits: Rene Knabl

Copyright: The entire contents of this website are copyright protected. All rights, including reprinting, translation and duplication of the content or parts thereof, are reserved. The processing, modification, reproduction, linking or transmission of the content of the website is only permitted with the expressed written consent of Fassbinderei Klaus Pauscha GmbH.